hamos KWS
hamos KWS electrostatic separator is used for the dry separation of metals from plastics and other non-conductive materials. Even the finest metal particles smaller than 0.1 mm can be separated by electrostatic separation.
This is a particularly economical way of recovering valuable metals, separating them or cleaning plastics before further processing of metal parts using electrostatic separation.
To achieve an optimum separation result, the plastic mixtures to be separated must be as follows:
Not sure whether your material is suitable for electrostatic separation? Send us a material sample of approx. 5 kg after consultation. We will use it to demonstrate the performance of our electrostatic separators.
We will show you what metal yield and throughput you can achieve with an electrostatic separator for your material. Based on these separation results, you will receive our test report and our offer.
The hamos KWS electrostatic separator separates conductive products from non-conductors.
The metal mixture to be separated is fed onto a rotating, earthed metal roller via a vibrating conveyor and transported into the area of a corona electrode.
There, the material mixture is electrostatically charged with high voltages of up to 35,000 volts.
Conductive materials (metals) then release their charge to the roller very quickly and are thrown off by the rotating movement. The non-conductive materials, on the other hand, lose their charge very slowly, stick to the surface of the metal roller and are finally brushed off. The material mixture is thus separated into a conductive and a non-conductive fraction by electrostatic separation.
According to the principle of charging, these separators are also called corona roller separators.